I am not sure why I am including this in my favorite pictures, its certainly not my favorite. I didn't know Spc. Jonathan Emard. I didn't know his family.
Maybe it's the sacrifice he made for people he didn't know, so they could live free and try to live a peaceful life. Maybe it was the way the town came together to honor his life and service. Maybe it's the hope that we don't have to do this again.
I can't imagine what his family went through this year. But, I am sure JD Emard is in a better place. I hope everyone has a safe New Years Eve, and takes the time to remember the people who are no longer here.

If you have a few minutes, please take the time to view the you tube slide shows created by others. The song in the first slide show is also at the bottom of my page. If Heaven Was Needing A Hero. I never heard the song until I listened to it on the you tube clip.