Today is Skywatch Friday. For all sites participating click here.
Still no resolution from Google about taking my money and not delivering a service. You can click on my blog title above to get all of the sorry detail.
Still nothing from Google. I would say they have the worst customer service, but they have NO customer service. Today, Brians site met the same fate as mine. He paid for his domain name and Google it seems didnt pay Go Daddy. He got an email today that said they would sell his name back to him for $600.
Be sure to check out the other Skywatch Friday sites here.
This is Mr. Gardner speaking to the Council. If I have any names or facts wrong, please leave a comment or email me so I can make corrections.
Care for a cup cake with Super Bowl ring?
After the second quarter there were two commercials in 3-D. Look at the goobers in this pic. Well all but one is a goober, she at least has some class.
Whoops, shes a goober also.
I think after the Cardinals scored to take the lead, I saw a tear on Shawns face. Thankfully, Big Ben is the man and led his team to victory. The game is over and the good guys won. Sorry Cowboy fans and sorry to my relatives who live in Arizona.