I'll have a Monday Bonus post up at 12:30.
The Terrell boys basketball team will host West Mesquite Tuesday night. The Tigers will need a win to break a two game losing streak. They also need a win to better their playoff chances.
Brian and I filled out an application to attend the Terrell Police Department Citizen's Police Academy. The class is suppose to start on February 2nd. Neither one of us have been contacted to attend, I guess we didn't get selected.
A new Facebook group has popped up and since Friday has over 1100 members. Check out You know You're From Terrell When.... Some of the photos will look familiar.
Also on Facebook is the Terrell Daily Photo fan page and the Texas Daily Photo fan page. Be sure to become a fan of both.
I have been trying the couch to 5k with Brian but I have hit a road block. I went to the Doctors on Friday for a constant knee pain. They think its arthritis. I have been told no running. We will see how it feels in two weeks.
Saw Avatar for the 2nd time. This time it was in IMAX and 3D.
If imitation is the highest form of flattery, then I must be........never mind.
When I was a small child, every year my family would travel down to New Orleans to visit my Uncle Mel and his family during Mardi Gras. They lived in Harvey, LA. We would drive down in my Aunt Margie's motor home and park it right off of St. Charles Ave. and watch the parades. My Uncle would always talk about the Saints and Archie Manning. Archie was going to lead the Saints to the Super Bowl, he used to always say. They never made the Super Bowl with Archie or while my Uncle Mel was alive. He has been gone for well over 20 years but I am sure he is looking down smiling this morning. Geaux Saints!