Saturday, August 1, 2009

Theme day-Night

This theme day should have been easy for me. I love taking night shots. But put on the spot, it's hard to find something I like.

This is the First United Methodist Church in Terrell. I didn't notice when I was taking the picture, but you can see the lights from two jets that were crossing the sky. You may need to click on the picture for a larger view to see them.

Click here to view thumbnails for all Theme Day participants

I finally selected a winner to represent Terrell in the world photo walk contest. Laurie Black's Reflections of Terrell is the winner. Follow the link, scroll down the page to the photos, her photo is in the upper left hand corner.

We pulled for draft positions in my fantasy football league. Its a 12 team league, I got pick number 6. We are looking for one more person to join. If interested email for details.