Yesterday Southern Heart gave me a "You make my day" award. She has a great site for Memphis, TN. Thank you.
The award rules say: "Give the award to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blogland. Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times."
So, I cant break the rules. I have way more than 10 sites that I enjoy, so I will try to list the sites that haven't gotten the award yet.
Dan from McKinney, TX
Jana from Susanville, CA
Brian from Terrell, TX
Thien from Seguin, TX
Petrea from Pasadena, CA
Annie from American Fork, UT
B.C. from Chicago, IL.
Mo from Las Vegas, NV
J.Andrew from Van Buren, AR
Kim from Celina, TX
There are so many more I could list, that I enjoy every day.