Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday Morning Mashup

I didn't make it out to Ham's Orchard, so while watching the finale of Survivor I enjoyed a strawberry shortcake.

Brian has a few shots up from Friday nights Relay for Life held at Furlough Middle School in Terrell, TX. I took some shots, most did not turn out the way I wanted. I had a DUH moment, if you hold the camera on its side and don't move your hand, you end up blocking half of the flash, like my shot at the end of today's post.

Run for the Wall takes off Wednesday the 19th from Rancho Cucamonga, CA. The Southern Route riders will make their annual fuel stop in Terrell on Sunday the 23rd at approx 9:45AM. Its awesome to see all of the motorcycles pulling into town, come out to the Brookshire's parking lot and show your support for their mission, or line the roads or overpasses as they pass through.

There is another ride taking place on July 3, 2010. Its the Allied Memorial Remembrance Ride. Riders will start in different parts of the DFW area and ride to Oakland Memorial Park Cemetery in Terrell. That is the final resting place for British cadets and pilots who were killed while training at No 1. BFTS in Terrell during WWII.

Mark you calendar for September 17-19 2010. That's the weekend of No 1 BFTS Hanger Dance & Fly-In.

Books and Crannies already has their next event scheduled. Check their Facebook page for details. I added photos from the book signing to my Facebook page. Visit my page and make sure you hit the 'like' button.