The Iris Theatre neon sign was turned back on last night. The theatre closed a few years ago but the sign survived. On the 83rd anniversary of the theatres opening Ron and Gayle Harris owners of Books & Crannies, which now occupies the building, had the sign refurbished and rewired. Ron and Gayle have a small theatre in the back of the bookstore. Last night they had a screening of the first movie ever shown at the theatre, it was The Lady starring Norma Talmadge. At the upper left of the page is a search blog box. Type in Iris to see all of my photos of the building and Books & Crannies.

Back on, with the original colors.

Punch and cake was served inside the bookstore prior to the lighting. It was neat to meet people that have seen my site.

Before the sign was turned back on, Ron Harris spoke to the crowd outside the building.

The guests posed for a group picture. Ron is in the tux, Gayle is in the beautiful green dress

She sure looks pretty.
I have a couple of more pictures that I will post in a day or so.