I went shopping at Kohl's yesterday. I didn't get the memo that shorts this year were all going to be plaid.
Saturday afternoon when we got back into Terrell, Brian and I tried the Liquid Zoo Sports bar and Grill. It's a nice place, good food and lots of TV screens. They also have Buzztime, so I'm sure I will be back.
Tough weekend for the Tigers baseball team. They have their first district game Tuesday night in Mesquite against West Mesquite. They head a few miles north Thursday through Saturday to take part in the I-30 Classic.
The Facebook page has been uploaded with pictures from the weekend games against Birdville and Cedar Hill.
Thanks, Kim and Lauren for keeping me updated on scores.
The morning of Saturday the 13th is the Dash Down Greenville 5k race. I'll be there, but it may be a 2k race and 3k walk for me.
Its Monday, so rain must be in the forecast.